Cherokee Spring Camp

Spring sunshine was just what we ordered for Cherokee Cubs at Raywell Park. Cubs spent the weekend on the climbing wall and in the shooting gallery, making bird boxes and bug hotels, making and throwing bobbing arrows and trying a new game Molkka. They also cooked their own food on fires, and no camp would…

Earth Tribe Award

Whilst at camp Cherokee Cubs worked towards their Earth Tribe Award, thinking about how they can be Champions for Nature. They built bird boxes and bug hotels, which they have put up around Raywell Park. They also spoke with our County Lead Volunteer about other ways Raywell Park could be made more nature friendly.

Welly Walk

Hessle Beavers took part in the first Blacktoft Beacon Welly Walk. We explored Nut Wood, completing a quiz along the way, and finished at Raywell for some well deserved hot dogs and juice.

Day of the Dead Camp

As a change to Halloween, Cherokee Cubs joined with Arapaho for a Day of the Dead Camp. To gain an understanding of the festival we started the weekend watching Coco. This helped us work towards the World Challenge badge, celebrating a festival from another country. Lots of adventurous activities were also included – climbing, cave…

Climbing and Navigation

Explorers enjoyed a cold, dark and damp evening at Raywell, climbing, navigation on bearings and pacing and the use of emergency shelters. Great fun and learning new skills for life.

Room on the Broom

Beavers has a great time at their sleepover at Raywell Park. The theme was Room on the Broom, so of course we made brooms and rode on them and we also had fun clambering through the cave bus. Whilst on camp some of our Beavers completed their Cook Activity badge, making pizza and apple crumble…

Pioneering Challenge

Explorers undertook a pioneering challenge. They were asked to build a structure to enable them to string up two hammocks. They demonstrated teamwork, leadership and coaching. Thumbs up from them all at the end of an enjoyable night.

Beaver Photographers

Hessle Beavers joined with a hundred others from around the county to take part in the Photographer Activity Badge Day. They made pinhole cameras and calendars, a stop motion film, posed in the photo booth, took pictures of each other toasting marshmallows, followed a picture nature trail and had fun with glo sticks in a…

Cub DIY Badge Day

Cherokee and Arapaho Cubs took part in the County Cub Badge day, where they completed all the critieria to achieve their DIY activity badge. They made key holder, planes, string art, coasters and photo holders, using the necessary tools safely. They also had fun on the bouldering wall, agility trail and grass sledges.

Grass Sledging

Explorers had a great evening at Raywell, making use of two of the activities – low ropes and grass sledging. Lots of teamwork going on to get themselves down the hill!

A feast fit for the King!

Beavers have been working towards their Cook Activity Badge this term, and prepared a Coronation Feast. With a red white and blue theme, along with ensuring we included all the food groups needed for a healthy diet they prepared fruit kebabs, crown shaped pizza with vegetable jewels, and iced a bun with red white and…

Night Climb

It doesn’t matter if it is sunny and warm or dark and cold, Explorers enjoy spending time outdoors, this time with a night climb at Raywell Park.

Sharp Shooting Skills

Navajo Scouts spent an evening focussing their sharp shooting skills on the rifle range, before camping out for the night, despite it being the end of November. On this occasion, camp cooking wasn’t required as they had pizzas delivered!


Explorers enjoyed an evening at Raywell Park, squeezing their way around the Cavebus!

Halloween at Raywell

Cherokee Cubs spent a weekend at Raywell. They explored in the dark, carved pumpkins, tried their hand at shooting, made masks, built a zipwire, played bingo and tug of war, sang around the campfire, made bobbing arrows, toilet roll mummies and ate dangling donuts. During the weekend they also cooked all their meals, working towards…

Climbing by Torchlight

Arapaho Cubs chose to do climbing at Raywell for their adventurous activity this term, made even more exciting by having to climb by torchlight!

Fun at Raywell

Cherokee Cubs had a fun evening in the sunshine at Raywell. They crawled through the cave bus, whizzed down the hill on grass sledges and sped round the car park on go-karts!

Platinum Party

Hessle Beavers joined 500 other young people over the Jubilee weekend to take part in Humberside Scouts Platinum Party. They enjoyed many activities – climbing and bouldering walls, making pizza with a blow torch, archery, armpit fudge, zip wires, bouncy castles, mop hockey, glass engraving, mini diggers, nerf guns, making key rings, decorating biscuits, go…

Climbing Wall

Explorers enjoyed an evening at Raywell Park, making use of the climbing wall, as well as having a game of rugby ball rounders!

Adventures at Raywell

Beavers spent the evening at Raywell Park wading through the wild garlic and making use of the newly installed Low Ropes and refurbished Adventure Course. Lots of fun working towards the Adventure Challenge Badge.

Welcome to Arapaho

Arapaho Cubs have recently invested nine new members to their pack whilst visiting Raywell Park, welcome everyone!

Raywell Fun Day

Beavers had a great time completing activities towards their Camp Craft Activity badge, alongside some adventurous activities. We put up a tent, made pot bags, had fun in the cavebus, on pedal karts, and orienteering around Raywell Park. We then collected wood, to build and light a fire to cook our tea on. An excellent…

Chief Scout Silver Award

Congratulations to Cherokee Cubs Ava and Alexander on achieving their Chief Scout Silver Award. Charlotte, our GSL, presented them before Cubs went off for a hike around Nut Wood, where they found some dens to shelter from the rain.

Cooking in Oranges

Explorers have continued their cooking theme this term, with another visit to Raywell Park. This time they experimented with cooking in oranges in the embers of the fire.

Chief Scout Silver Award

Congratulations to Cherokee Cubs Fraser, Harrison and Owen who have all achieved their Chief Scout Silver Awards.


During lockdowns there were just some things that were hard to do at home and on Zoom, so Cherokee Cubs have had a couple of weeks of completing missing bits of badges. We’ve sawn wood, made rope, identified garden tools, walked around the local area and drawn our own map, completed problem solving activities, compass…


As part of their Adventure Challenge Beavers have enjoyed collecting wood to build a small fire, which they then lit safely using matches, and toasted marshmallows to make smores. Thank you to everyone that saved their biscuit tins for us.

Fires, Gadgets and Bugs

Cherokee Cubs have spent their first few weeks back face to face meeting in smaller groups. They have each learnt how to light and extinguish a fire at Raywell for their Backwoods Cooking badge, build a camp gadget using the knots we learnt on zoom at the Scout Den for their Pioneer badge, and identify…

Gruffalo Adventure

2019 is the Gruffalo’s 20th birthday, and to celebrate Beavers have taken part in a Gruffalo Adventure. Outdoors we enjoyed the climbing wall and go karts, as well as making pictures of Gruffalo characters from natural items, and hunting for bugs. We made our own pizza and Gruffalo feet for lunch, Gruffalo crumble for tea,…

Group Camp 2019

Once a year we like to take all sections of Hessle Scout Group to camp, and as usual we’ve had a scorching hot, fantastic time. We had a circus theme for the weekend and learnt circus skills, made a circus ring, decorated t-shirts to wear whilst performing and had fun on an inflatable assault course…

County Beaver Fun Day

Beavers had an action packed day completing their Air Activities Badge at Raywell Park. We made kites, boomerangs and helicopters, launched rockets, bounced on castles and watched an excellent show by the Earth Bound Misfits.

Welcome to Cherokee

Cherokee have welcomed and invested lots of new Cubs this term, some who have just swam up the river from Beavers and others new to scouting. They were invested in the sunshine in some of our favourite places, Hessle Foreshore and Raywell Park.


What a weekend!  Hessle Beavers completed the Elf Challenge, doing all things Christmas.  We made Christmas stockings, tree decorations, gingerbread houses –  both large and small, we cooked Christmas dinner, decorated plates to leave goodies out for Santa, went sledging, made and iced Christmas cakes, watched the movie ‘Elf’ and then made sleighs from lego. …


Cherokee and Arapaho Cubs have had a brilliant weekend at Raywell taking part in the Humberside County Cub 100 camp. In total 500 Cubs took part in an action packed weekend full of activities and challenges, including Mop Hockey, Human Battleships, Giant outdoor games, Trampolines, Coconut shy, Bug Treasure Hunt, Backwoods cooking, Pedal Karts, Pioneering, Shooting, Beat…

A Night at Raywell

This week we were up at Raywell Park for some outdoor activities. We took part in a scavenger hunt around the site looking for things such as something straight, something that feels rough and an interesting rock! We also had a go at a sisal trail. In pairs, one Beaver was blindfolded and the other…

Group Camp – 10th – 12th May

This years Group Camp was held at our local Scout Camp, Raywell Park, and it had a medieval theme. The weekend started with the crusades arriving in camp on Friday night, bearing their flags and tunics, after a hike from Melton Bottom. Saturday morning’s activities included jousting, running the gauntlet, storming the castle, medieval archery…