Our Beaver quiz team of Emma, Georgia, Kieran and William represented Blacktoft Beacon at the County Quiz this afternoon.  There were seven teams from all over Humberside competing in a very close competition.  Whilst the questions were marked Beavers played some parachute games, made rockets and sang some campfire songs.  After the counting of the…

Quiz Winners!

Well done to the two teams of Hessle Beavers who entered the Blacktoft Beacon Quiz this afternoon, along with a team from Snaith Rawcliffe Bridge.  One team – Alex, Mason, Sam and Tristan – finished in joint second place with the boys from Snaith Rawcliffe Bridge.  Our other team – Emma, Georgia, Kieran and William…

District Beaver Quiz

This weekend we entered a team into the District Beaver Quiz at Kirkella Scout Hut. Ewan, Edward, Sam & Millie did Hessle Extremely proud by placing first with an amazing 41/50 questions right! This means that they will now go on to represent the District with Amik Beavers at the County Quiz in November. Linda…