Cherokee Spring Camp

Spring sunshine was just what we ordered for Cherokee Cubs at Raywell Park. Cubs spent the weekend on the climbing wall and in the shooting gallery, making bird boxes and bug hotels, making and throwing bobbing arrows and trying a new game Molkka. They also cooked their own food on fires, and no camp would…

Earth Tribe Award

Whilst at camp Cherokee Cubs worked towards their Earth Tribe Award, thinking about how they can be Champions for Nature. They built bird boxes and bug hotels, which they have put up around Raywell Park. They also spoke with our County Lead Volunteer about other ways Raywell Park could be made more nature friendly.

Welcome to Cherokee

Two Beavers completed their swim up the river, and were invested into Cherokee Cubs, welcome to Isaac and Lily.

Welcome to Cherokee

Cherokee welcomed two new Cubs this when Polly and Grace were invested. We hope they went on to enjoy their first camp!


As part of their Skills Challenge badge, Cubs have to try a new sport, so Cherokee all had a go at footgolf. It’s not as easy as it looks!


During lockdowns there were just some things that were hard to do at home and on Zoom, so Cherokee Cubs have had a couple of weeks of completing missing bits of badges. We’ve sawn wood, made rope, identified garden tools, walked around the local area and drawn our own map, completed problem solving activities, compass…

Welcome to Cherokee

Cherokee Cubs have welcomed two new members, Ellie-Mae and Fred, who made their promise before taking part in activities at Raywell Park.

Fires, Gadgets and Bugs

Cherokee Cubs have spent their first few weeks back face to face meeting in smaller groups. They have each learnt how to light and extinguish a fire at Raywell for their Backwoods Cooking badge, build a camp gadget using the knots we learnt on zoom at the Scout Den for their Pioneer badge, and identify…

Chief Scout’s Silver Award

Congratulations to four Cherokee Cubs – Jack, Leila, Elijah and Tilly – who were tonight presented with their Chief Scout’s Silver Award by our GSL Charlotte. This is the top award for Cub Scouts.  It shows that they are adventurous, have helped the local community and learnt about the world.  It also means that they…

Cherokee Christmas Activity Day

Cherokee Cubs had a fun day of all things Christmas. We made our own tree from sticks and string, and decorated it with pine cones and acorns, we made Christmas crackers, a 2020 memory decoration for our tree, we cooked our own Christmas dinner, with chocolate orange trifle for dessert, and decorated Christmas cakes. To…

Keeping Safe and Tidy

Cherokee Cubs met on Zoom this week and completed parts of the Fire Safety, Home Safety and Home Help badges. Cubs drew a floor plan of their house and then investigated where the smoke alarms and fire exits are, they looked at what dangers there are that could start a fire in each room, and…

Athletic Cherokee

Cherokee have enjoyed two weeks of face to face scouting completing their Athletics badge. As part of the badge we threw balls, ran relays, long jump, balanced a ball on a spoon, did some skipping and sergeant jumps. All the Cubs did their best to improve their times and distances the second week. Everyone loved…

Challenge X Night Hike

Cherokee Cubs completed the second of their spring term challenges, completing a night ‘chip tasting’ hike of Hessle! Along our 2.5 mile hike we tasted chips from a traditional fish and chip shop, a chinese takeaway and a pizza place. Cubs voted their favourites were from the pizza shop, but big thanks must go to…

Burns Night

To link with their World Challenge and International badges, as well as Challenge X, Cherokee Cubs celebrated Burns Night. They cooked and tasted Tatties, Neeps and Haggis, decorated shortbread petticoat tails to look like tartan kilts, tried Irn Bru and Tablet, made haggis. bagpipe and highland cow fridge magnets, read poetry, played highland games and…

Welcome to Cherokee

Bethany, Bradley, Charlie and Joseph completed their swim up the Beaver river and into the Cub Den, and have now been invested into Cherokee Cubs.


Cherokee Cubs ended the term with a visit to Superbowl, where we competed in Jambowlree – the worldwide scout ten pin bowling competition, as well as having a game of quasar. A fun night for all. We also said farewell to five of our Cubs as they move onwards and upwards in their scouting journey.

Chief Scout’s Silver Award

Congratulations to Catriona on achieving her Chief Scout’s Silver Award. This award requires Cubs to attain all seven of the challenge badges, along with six activity or staged activity badges so lots of hard work has gone into this achievement.

Bring an Adult Camp

Cherokee Cubs had the opportunity to bring an adult to camp with them, and what a great time they had at Squirrel Wood. We swapped ipads and Xboxes for axes, saws and fires for the weekend. We went weaseling and axe throwing, as well as completing a bit of archery, we lit fires and cooked…

Cycle The Humber

Well done to all the Cherokee Cubs and Leaders that took part in our ‘Cycle The Humber’ challenge today – and also their family members, Beavers, Apache and Navajo Scouts that joined us too. Together we cycled 181 miles (way over our 115 mile target), and raised £155.02 for Humber Rescue.

Campcraft 2019

Congratulations to everyone that took part in the Blacktoft Beacon Cub Campcraft Competition today. Lots of opportunity for Cubs to both demonstrate and learn new life skills – cooking on fires, bivvy building, puncture repair, making a water filter, wiring a plug, pioneering, lighting a fire, putting up tents, to name just a few. A…


Congratulations to Cherokee Cubs Ben, Emma, Evie, Isaac and Kieran on achieving their Chief Scout Silver awards.


Cherokee Cubs had a great day at the Humberside County Backwoods Cooking event.  We cooked hot dogs, omelette, cakes, pancakes and bread twists all on open fires, we lit fires without matches and learnt how to extinguish them, we practiced some first aid, made hot drinks, set the table and learnt about hygiene when cooking. …


Cherokee Cubs have invested three new members – welcome to Catriona, May and Sophie.


Our GSL, Paul, presented Cherokee Cub Leader Baloo with his Chief Scout’s 10 Years Service Award, in recognition of his service to scouting.


Cherokee Cubs had a great weekend at Bail Wood Campsite, near Aldbrough.  Whilst there they completed their DIY badge in Baloo’s pop up workshop!  They made bird boxes, welly boot removers and catapults, and were even inventive with the off cuts of wood from the above, making them into Christmas bells to decorate the scout…

Scouting Awards Presented

At the Blacktoft Beacon District AGM on Thursday, some of Hessle Scout Groups leaders were presented with Scouting awards by Linda, our District Commissioner. Margaret from Cherokee Cubs received her 5 Years Service Award, Josh from Scouts and Wendy from Beavers have now completed their leader training so received their Wood Badge. These are 2…

Patrol Tents 20/05/2014

Cherokee Cubs were the first group the year to air out the patrol tents, Wendy from Hessle Beavers came along to show us all how to put patrol; tents up the “easy way”. All the cubs had lots of fun as you can see by the photos.

The Deep Sleep Over Jan 2014

January 2014 saw Arapaho along with Hessle Beavers and Cherokee Cubs have a sleepover at The Deep.  The Cubs arrived at The Deep just as it was closing, ready to enjoy the evening ahead.  Everyone took part in a fun packed night that saw the Cubs decorate a T-shirt and make a badge with their own personal…

Welcome too Cherokee Cubs

Tonight’s investiture into Cherokee Cubs. Well Done for remembering the Cub Scout law and Promise.

Silver Chief Scout Award

Chloe Curtis received the highest award at Cubs tonight, the Sliver Chief Scout Award. Chloe has managed to complete all of her challenge badges whilst being at Cherokee Cubs. Well done Chloe!  

Aldwark Water Activity Camp – 5th-7th May

 2 of Cherokee Cubs joined the Scouts and Explorers on an action packed camp to Aldwark Water Activity Centre. During the weekend they went on the water in kayaks, Canadian canoes and a raft they built themselves. Surprisingly it floated!