Today’s young people that pass through the scout den doors, be they Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Explorers, are our potential leaders of the future, and it is up to us as leaders and you as parents to nurture these young people to get the most out of all the experiences that scouting offers them. This will build their character and prepare them in some way for their ongoing journey in life.
Hessle Scout Group would like to say a huge thank you to everybody who has helped us grow as a unit over the many years of us being around. Helping us doesn’t just mean donating money, it also comes in giving up your time, and showing young people new skills, teaching them something that they wouldn’t learn in school and most of all creating an enjoyable atmosphere. So here it is “A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL THAT HELP US DO OUR BEST!”
If you would like more information about volunteering with Hessle Scout Group, please contact our Group Scout Leader at gsl@hesslescoutgroup.co.uk
If you are able to assist with any of our fundraising projects, please contact fundraising@hesslescoutgroup.co.uk
If you would like information about one of our sections, please go their page on this website, where you will find contact details