Congratulations to Ben, Freddie, Jesse and Zachary on achieving their Chief Scout Bronze Award. They were presented to them by our GSL Charlotte, and we then waved farewell to them as they started their swim up the river to Cubs.
Welcome to Beavers
This term we have invested three new Beavers. We hope they enjoy their fun and adventures with us.
Humber Rescue
Arapaho Cubs spent the evening at Humber Rescue to learn more about the important work that the team do as volunteers. The Cubs were also able to have a look around the different boats and equipment they use, and ask questions about how it all works.
Big Fun
Explorers and their leaders enjoyed an evening at Big Fun with Elloughton-cum-Brough Explorers. You’re never too old for a soft play adventure!
Church Help!
Cherokee Cubs are working towards their Home Help badge this term, but decided to help our local community too. Cubs swept, dusted and polished every wooden surface in All Saints Church, as well as cleaning the brasses, ironing a tea towel and their neckers and sewing a badge on their uniform.
Fire Safety
Arapho Cubs met at Calvert Lane fire station where they were given a tour of the station as well as learning more about the different fire appliances they use. They then finished the night by learning about fire safety. This visit allowed them to work towards their Fire Safety activity badge.
Wolds Challenge
The Wolds Challenge is a one day hiking competition for Scouts and Explorers. The event is a test of navigation, route finding and team work, as well as a walking challenge and Explorers walk approximately 17 miles. Thirteen teams took part in the Explorer competition and Hessle Explorers entered two teams into the event this year. Hessle 1…
Wolds Challenge
The Wolds Challenge is a one day hiking competition for Scouts and Explorers. The event is a test of navigation, route finding and team work, as well as a walking challenge. Scouts walk approximately 12 miles. Thirty four teams took part in the Scout competition, several of which were supported by a leader to gain experience. Apache Scouts…
Cherokee Cubs have been working towards their Photographer badge, producing animations using lego, understanding how to use different cameras, and having fun with a green screen.
Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award
Congratulations to three of our Explorer Scouts, Connor, David and Spencer, who recently achieved their Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award.
Foreshore Fires
Arapaho Cubs spent the evening on Hessle Foreshore, to cook soup and dampers over fires they’d lit themselves. They also got to meet some of the Scout Leaders from Navajo and Apache Scout Troops
Money Skills
Beavers completed their Money Skills Activity badge, looking at coins, designing their own currency, and completing some sums with coin rubbing. They were also challenged to stack the flowerpots!
Spaghetti and Marshmallows!
Navajo Scouts were set a challenge to see who could build the largest freestanding tower using only spaghetti and marshmallows.
Harvest Festival
Thank you to everyone for their contributions towards All Saints Church Harvest Festival. All the food collected will be distributed to those in need via the local food bank. Well done to the Cubs and Scouts who did the readings and prayers at the service.
Beavers have been working towards their experiment badge this term. They explored chromatography, non-Newtonian fluid and made apple volcanos and lava lamps. Big thanks to Beaver Mum and Science teacher Jennie for organising for us.
Cooking on Fires
Cherokee Cubs cooked sausages on a stick and chocolate bananas in the embers as part of their Backwoods Cooking badge. Our Explorers also organised some team games as part of their Young Leader Award missions. Congratulations to Amelie who was Cub of the Term for Summer 2022.
Night Hike, Bivvies and Backwoods Cooking
Explorers were sent on a night hike, with a sealed packing box, and when they arrived at the overnight camp, the tent was taken off them and everything they needed for the night was in the box. Tarps, rope, tinned hot dogs and bread, no tin opener or cooking pots…. they had to work it…
Climbing by Torchlight
Arapaho Cubs chose to do climbing at Raywell for their adventurous activity this term, made even more exciting by having to climb by torchlight!
Primrose Hill
Apache Scouts and Arapaho Cubs undertook a joint camp at Primrose Hill in Scunthorpe where the Scouts and Cubs enjoyed various activities such as Archery, Shooting and Pioneering. The Cubs joined the scouts in cooking their own meals daily, with a watchful eye from the leaders, which the Cubs thoroughly enjoyed. On Saturday evening we…
Having just missed International Pirate Day, Hessle Navajo Scouts held a pirate themed night, which started with a visit by three parrots, accompanied by their pirate owners. The parrots were highly trained and performed various tricks before posing for pictures with the troop, who – all with pirate names – went onto enjoy some pirate…
Fit and Healthy
Beavers completed a hike around Pickering Park. Whilst there they thought about how they keep fit and healthy by trying out some of the fitness and play equipment. We also had a wander over to the pond to discuss water safety, and had a peek at some of the animals.
Sharing our Skills
The Hessle Scout Group adult team held a weekend camp to enable us to get to know each other better and improve our skills, ready to pass on to young people. The weekend started with information from our County and District teams and we then focussed on map reading, fire lighting, tent pitching and repairs,…
North Cave Wetlands Hike
Cherokee Cubs began the autumn term with a hike around North Cave Wetlands in some beautiful evening sunshine. They started the evening watching two Beavers, Frankie and Edward, complete their swim up the river, and then be invested alongside new Cub Racheal. All three were the first in the pack to make their promise including…
Siemens Hike
Arapaho Cubs walked past the Siemens factory to learn a little bit about the wind turbines made there. We even saw a blade being moved! We also talked about our late patron the Queen, deciding to spend some more time at our next meeting to draw pictures and write messages of condolence.
Sixer and Seconders
At the start of the Autumn term, Arapaho learnt who their new sixers and seconders were and were sorted into their new sixes. We talked about our summers, played some games and invested a new Cub.
Crazy Golf
Due to heavy rain and a thunderstorm Navajo had to amend their plans last minute. Using whatever they could find around the den (noting where it came from so it could be returned to the exact same place) each Scout had to construct part of a crazy golf course. Then we all played a competitive…
Chief Scout Platinum Award
Congratulations to David, Henry, Connor, James, Sam and Amelia on achieving their Chief Scout Platinum Award. These were presented when Explorers spent the last week of the summer term at the beach in Hornsea, with fish and chips for tea and a game of beach volleyball!
Water and Catapults!
Explorers completed a pioneering project, building a catapult to launch water bombs. The evening ended in a mass water fight which was very welcome on one of the hottest weeks of the year!
Chief Scout Bronze Award
Congratulations to three Beavers Iris, Alistair and Frankie on achieving their Chief Scout Bronze Award. After lots of fun with water we watched them, along with Edward, start their swim up the river to Cubs.
Tree Hunting
Arapaho Cubs had fun hunting down all the different trees on the tree trail in the Humber Bridge Country Park
Chief Scout Silver Award
Congratulations to Cherokee Cubs Rowan and Seb on achieving their Chief Scout Silver Award. Along with Luke, Joshua and Jesse we waved goodbye as they now move on to Scouts.
Local Knowledge
As part of their “Local Knowledge Activity” badge, Hessle Navajo spent a fun night around the village matching up old black and white photographs – some from over 100 years ago – to how the same buildings are now. Though the shop fronts and road markings have mostly changed, they achieved this by matching upstairs…
Water Games
Due to the extreme hot weather, Cherokee Cubs got to enjoy two weeks of water games, challenges and ice lollies. They worked together in teams transferring water by different means, as well as having a water fight! Think the leaders had just as much fun too.
Den Building
Beavers went on a hike to Nut Wood, where they spent time building dens that they could all fit inside. To quote one Beaver “best thing I’ve done in ages”!
Sports Day
Arapaho Cubs and leaders took part in their version of a sports day to complete their Athletics badge.
Wooden Robots
Arapaho Cubs had a visit from Mike who helped them achieve their DIY activity badge. They made wooden robots and jigs to make their own paracord bracelets. They learnt all about how to join different pieces of wood together and used lots of tools to create their projects.
Jamboree on the Trail
All sections of Hessle Scout Group took part in our annual sponsored walk, with Explorers and Scouts walking from Beverley Westwood (29.13km in 6 hours 55 minutes), meeting with the Cubs at Welton and Beavers at North Ferriby. A fantastic achievement for all who took part, and so far we have raised £541. Thanks to…
Cherokee Cubs have been working towards their cyclist activity badge, completing a bike ride across the Humber Bridge one week, and learning about bicycle maintenance, mending punctures and safety at the den the other week. They also took part in a slow bike race, showing their skill and control whilst riding and produced a display…
Fun at Raywell
Cherokee Cubs had a fun evening in the sunshine at Raywell. They crawled through the cave bus, whizzed down the hill on grass sledges and sped round the car park on go-karts!
Welcome to Cherokee
Cherokee welcomed two new Cubs this when Polly and Grace were invested. We hope they went on to enjoy their first camp!
Bailwood Camp
Cherokee enjoyed a weekend at Bailwood Scout campsite in Aldbrough. They cooked on fires for the weekend, enjoyed a hike to Aldbrough for ice creams, improved their archery skills, chased the big ball, made kites, played bingo, built dens in the woods and enjoyed a campfire with Howden Scout Group. We hope that the parents…
Welcome to Beavers
Beavers have welcomed five new members to the colony, Daniel, Iris, Isaac, Lily and William.
Platinum Party
Hessle Beavers joined 500 other young people over the Jubilee weekend to take part in Humberside Scouts Platinum Party. They enjoyed many activities – climbing and bouldering walls, making pizza with a blow torch, archery, armpit fudge, zip wires, bouncy castles, mop hockey, glass engraving, mini diggers, nerf guns, making key rings, decorating biscuits, go…
Climbing Wall
Explorers enjoyed an evening at Raywell Park, making use of the climbing wall, as well as having a game of rugby ball rounders!
Jubilee Street Party
Cherokee Cubs had an evening at their very own street party. The played some traditional street games, hopscotch and skipping, and then had some retro food – cheese and pineapple on sticks and spam!
Humber Rescue
Explorers visited Humber Rescue, to find out more information on a local group who serve our community. This forms part of their Platinum Award.
Poacher Pre-Camp
Several of Hessle Explorers are joining others from around the district to go to Poacher this summer. Poacher is Lincolnshire’s International Scout and Guide Jamboree, where members of Scouting and Girl Guiding from around the world participate in a week of fun, friendship and adventure. This weekend they held a pre-camp at Tablers Wood to…
District Camp Craft Competition
Arapaho and Cherokee Cubs took part in the Blacktoft Beacon District Camp Craft Competition this weekend at Tablers Wood Campsite. Eleven teams took part including two from Arapaho and two from Cherokee. They completed many tasks during the day including tent pitching, sedan chairs, cooking, fire lighting, bivi building, maps symbols, compass points and a…
Adventures at Raywell
Beavers spent the evening at Raywell Park wading through the wild garlic and making use of the newly installed Low Ropes and refurbished Adventure Course. Lots of fun working towards the Adventure Challenge Badge.
Hull Shukokai Karate
Hull Shukokai Karate came to Arapaho Cubs to teach the history of Karate and how martial arts are only for self defence and fitness. The Cubs were shown the correct way to punch, kick and how to defend themselves. We were also shown a ‘Kata’ by the instructors.