Chief Scout Silver Award

Congratulations to Arthur, Fred, Isaac, Jessica and Nathanael on achieving their Chief Scout Silver Award. We also waved farwell to them, along with Rosie and Polly as they move up to Scouts.

Chief Scout Bronze Award

Congratulations to Marlarae on achieving her Chief Scouts Bronze Award. We also waved farewell to five of our Beavers as they started their swim up the river to Cubs.

Bug Hotels

As part of their DIY and Environmental Conservation badges, some of Cherokee Cubs have made bug hotels. We’re looking forward to seeing pictures of them in their gardens, and any guests that have moved in!

Firelighting Mums!

As a Mother’s Day treat Arapaho Cubs invited mums to their pack night, where they all learnt how to light a fire with a flint and steel. They then cooked some camp donuts!

Go Ape!

Explorers spent a Sunday morning at Go Ape. They had a great time on the high ropes course.

Fells Preparation

Explorers prepared for the Fells Marathon competition with navigation training in the dark at Beverley Westwood. Compass bearings, back bearings, pacing, 6 and 8 figure grid references, time and distance. Conditions in the wind and rain were challenging but they all learnt valuable skills. Thank you to the volunteer leaders that give up their own…

Hike in the Dark

Cherokee Cubs practiced their navigation skills with a muddy hike in the dark around Elloughton Dale.

Big Sing

Thank you to everyone that supported our Big Sing event. Singing has so many positive effects on our health and wellbeing that we wanted to share the fun we have around a campfire with others. However, as a bonus through our cake stall and refreshments we raised £135.29 for the All Saints Church Tower Fund…

Melton Bottom Camp

Cherokee Cubs enjoyed a weekend of fresh air and fun at Melton Bottom. A walk down to North Ferriby started the camp, and was followed with archery, axe throwing, making door hangers and woggles, and practicing putting up a tent. Elloughton cum Brough Scouts joined us for a campfire, and shared some new songs with…

Photographers and Models!

Beavers had some creative evenings, making Mother’s Day cards linked to our photographer badge, bath bombs and key rings. We hope all their mums enjoyed their gifts, and caught the kisses that were blown to them!


Arapaho have spent two weeks learning all about science. We have made bath bombs and exploding bags. We created electrical circuits and learnt how plants take water up their stems. We investigated water tension and we’re engineers as we made Da Vinci’s bridge. We even got to meet some caterpillars!

Boxes and Chocs

We hope all the Cherokee mums enjoyed their Mother’s Day gifts, Handmade cards and gift boxes, which were filled with some homemade chocolates.


Over February half term, Arapaho were set the task of taking five photos of their local area. It seems we have some budding photographers in the pack!

Emergency Aid Scenarios

We had some very accident prone Young Leaders at Beavers. However working as a team, the Beavers managed to establish what accident had happened and what treatment was needed to help their casualties.

White Ribbon Service

Several members of Hessle Scout Group took part in the East Riding of Yorkshire County Legal Service – which marks the end of Jacky Bowes year in office as High Sheriff. Jacky asked for members of Humberside Scouts to be represented in recognition of the work they had done in achieving the White Ribbon Badge….

Cook Your Sausages!

Explorers met at North Ferriby and had a team timed hike back to Hessle. Once back at Hessle Foreshore they each received a bag containing 2 sausages, 2 matches and a piece of paper with instructions on it. “Make a fire using your matches and cook your sausages. Make sure the sausages are cooked before…

The Deep

Young people at Hessle Scout Group love a sleepover at The Deep, and Beavers, Arapaho and Cherokee Cubs had a fabulous time as usual. A tour of The Deep interspersed with making badges and bags, and sleeping at the side of the tanks – a perfect evening.


We tested the knowledge of Cherokee Cubs, to see if they understand which bins to put their rubbish in as part of the Global Issues Activity Badge. Lots of learning needed! Did you know we recycle, reuse and reduce many things at the Scout Den. Printer cartridges and mobile phones can be recycled to raise…

Emergency Aid

The oldest Cherokee Cubs have started working towards their Level 3 Emergency Aid badge. They have practiced bandaging each other whilst learning about stopping major bleeding, they recapped their knowledge of calling 999, and talked about treating shock, burns and scalds.

Explorers took part in an incident hike. During the night hike leaders added first aid scenarios to challenge the teams, this included casualty evaluation.

Diamond Chief Scout Award

Congratulations to Explorers Connor, David and Spencer on receiving their Diamond Chief Scout Award. All three recently completed their Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award which contributes towards this.

Night Climb

It doesn’t matter if it is sunny and warm or dark and cold, Explorers enjoy spending time outdoors, this time with a night climb at Raywell Park.

Welcome to Beavers

It’s been a term of lots of new faces, as we invested several new young people into our colony.

Shelter Building

Arapaho Cubs braved the freezing weather and worked together in their new sixes to build shelters big enough for their whole six.

Winter Camp

Arapaho had great fun on their winter camp! They competed as groups during taskmaster and tomahawk throwing, made music with ‘Musical Tom’, created clay tree faces and sang songs around the campfire.

World Faiths

Arapaho Cubs visited the Guru Nanak Gurdwara to learn all about Sikhism. Followed by a delicious curry for langar.


Following on from their visit to Brough Observatory Cherokee Cubs made their own models of the solar system, and with teamwork completed some space themed games.


Cherokee Cubs started working towards their Astronomer badge with a visit to Brough Observatory. A fascinating evening with lots of facts and information about stars and planets, and we even got to see the moon through the telescope. Big thanks to Brough Astronomy for sharing their knowledge with us.

Ice Skating

Apache and Navajo Scouts joined together for an evening at Hull Arena, perfecting their ice skating skills.

Rock Up!

For the last week of term, Explorers took on the challenge of Rock Up, improving their climbing and balance skills!

Chief Scout Bronze Award

Beavers completed the autumn term with a bounce at Gravity. Congratulations to Joshua, Lizzie and Michael who were presented with their Chief Scout Bronze Awards.

Chief Scout Silver Award

Cherokee Cubs completed the autumn term with some fun and teamwork whilst ten pin bowling. At the end of the evening Amelie and Rosie were presented with their Chief Scout Silver awards. We also waved farewell to Amelie as she moves up to Scouts.

Australian BBQ

Beavers completed two activities towards the ‘Put the Out in Scout’ badge by having a BBQ in December where they cooked sausages and popcorn on a fire. They also helped to nurture nature by understanding which Christmas dinner leftovers they can put out for the birds by making a bird feeder. We completed the evening…


Thank you to everyone that joined the All Saints Church Christingle Service, and well done to the young people who read the poem during the service. Through the collection at the service and all our candles we filled with coins, a total of £327.48 was raised for The Children’s Society.

Books and Buns Revisited

You may remember earlier this year we held some book sales, which many of you supported. The school where Keeo works were using a new reading book scheme, and wanted their old books to go to a new home. The college where TicTac works regularly raise money for schools in Sierra Leone, so we linked…

Sharp Shooting Skills

Navajo Scouts spent an evening focussing their sharp shooting skills on the rifle range, before camping out for the night, despite it being the end of November. On this occasion, camp cooking wasn’t required as they had pizzas delivered!

World Faiths

As part of their World Challenge and World Faiths badges, Cherokee Cubs visited the Guru Nanak Gurdwara Sikh Centre. Kam gave a very informative talk about the centre, what’s inside it and how it’s used for worship. She also explained to us how they put their faith, Sikhism, into practice. We then joined together for…


Explorers enjoyed an evening at Raywell Park, squeezing their way around the Cavebus!

White Ribbon

Beavers took part in the Humberside Scout White Ribbon activities. The thought about ways in which we can use our hands to be kind to others, and also ways that we shouldn’t use our hands to be unkind. We were then creative with a white ribbon and hands. At the end of our meeting we…

Hull Shukokai Karate

Apache Scouts welcomed Sensei Tony Grainger and Sensei Scott Clark from Hull Shukokai Karate to demonstrate and lead in the history and basics of Martial Arts. The Scouts started with a good warm up before Sensei Tony and Scott demonstrated some simple moves before getting the Scouts involved, the session finished with the Scouts being…

White Ribbon

Cherokee Cubs worked towards the Humberside Scouts White Ribbon badge. They made hands that contained words that described each other, that make each person special and unique. The hands were then linked together in a collage shaped like the ribbon and is displayed in our scout den as a reminder to all. Cubs then all…

UK Parliament Week

Cherokee Cubs took part in Parliament Week #UKPW. They learnt about the restoration of the Elizabeth Tower and completed pictures of the tower thinking about how it was restored. The ‘voted with their feet’ around many diverse topics such as passing a test to own a dog, all new housing having solar panels and children…


Thank you to Jennie for assisting Cherokee with their Scientist Activity badge. Over two weeks Cubs experimented with agar to see how germs grew, built skeleton bridges, ph tested different fluids, made lava lamps, assembled skeletons, tested non-newtonian fluid and grew crystals.

Remembrance Sunday

Well done to everyone that took part in the Remembrance Sunday parade and service. You were all a credit to Hessle Scout Group.


Explorers had a games night, and also took time to assist in putting up the poppy displays in All Saints Church.


Beavers learnt all about bonfire and firework safety. They produced pictures to display in the scout den to remind others what to do, and then got to try some sparklers.

Halloween at Raywell

Cherokee Cubs spent a weekend at Raywell. They explored in the dark, carved pumpkins, tried their hand at shooting, made masks, built a zipwire, played bingo and tug of war, sang around the campfire, made bobbing arrows, toilet roll mummies and ate dangling donuts. During the weekend they also cooked all their meals, working towards…

Welcome to Cubs

Several young people moved up from Beavers at the end of the last half term. They have now re-made their promise as a Cub, with Zach and Ben joining Cherokee and Freddie joining Arapaho.

Chief Scout Bronze Award

Congratulations to Ben, Freddie, Jesse and Zachary on achieving their Chief Scout Bronze Award. They were presented to them by our GSL Charlotte, and we then waved farewell to them as they started their swim up the river to Cubs.