Welton Waters

Cherokee Cubs had a splashing time at Welton Waters. They took part in some team water games, and went out on the lake in rafted canoes, working towards their Time on the Water and Paddle Sports badges.

Hessle Foreshore

Cherokee Cubs had a great start to the term, working as a team in their sixes, they built and lit fires to toast marshmallows, and then safely extinguished them. As part of their Naturalist badge they also experimented with natural things to find which would dye a small square of fabric, and learnt some interesting…


As part of their Skills Challenge badge, Cubs have to try a new sport, so Cherokee all had a go at footgolf. It’s not as easy as it looks!

Athletic Cherokee

Cherokee have enjoyed two weeks of face to face scouting completing their Athletics badge. As part of the badge we threw balls, ran relays, long jump, balanced a ball on a spoon, did some skipping and sergeant jumps. All the Cubs did their best to improve their times and distances the second week. Everyone loved…

UK Parliament Week 2019

Cherokee Cubs have taken part in UK Parliament Week. Their topic for discussion and debate was the amount of new housing being built in Hessle. They thought about why housing is needed and the impact it has on local amenities, green spaces and wildlife. At the end of our discussions, the majority of Cubs were…

Halloween at Blackhills

Cherokee Cubs had a halloween themed camp at Blackhills Campsite, near Bradford. The torrential rain did not stop them having fun, taking part in archery, axe throwing and rifle shooting, pumpkin carving and a campfire, as well as indoor activities making bats, monsters, lanterns and iced goodies! Despite the mud we arrived home clean after…

Welcome and Well Done!

Cherokee Cubs have invested three new members recently, Charlie, Harry and Caleb, as well as congratulating William on achieving his Silver Chief Scout Award.


Cherokee Cubs had an active end to the term, with a hike from Brantingham to South Cave, team games with water at the den, and a morning at Welton Waters. The smiles in the pictures say what fun they all had.

Campcraft 2019

Congratulations to everyone that took part in the Blacktoft Beacon Cub Campcraft Competition today. Lots of opportunity for Cubs to both demonstrate and learn new life skills – cooking on fires, bivvy building, puncture repair, making a water filter, wiring a plug, pioneering, lighting a fire, putting up tents, to name just a few. A…

Christmas party

All of Cherokee cubs enjoying the Christmas party some of them for the last time before they move up to Scouts. Have a great Christmas from all at Cherokee cubs.

Silver Chief Scout Award

Chloe Curtis received the highest award at Cubs tonight, the Sliver Chief Scout Award. Chloe has managed to complete all of her challenge badges whilst being at Cherokee Cubs. Well done Chloe!  

Badges being given out

Cherokee had lots of badges to hand out tonight, well done to everyone who achieved their goal.

Sports Badge

Everybody who wanted to get their sports badge brought something with them to show the rest of the group how and what they get up to away from Cubs