Swimming Up The River

Beavers said farewell to seven of their friends, as they swam up the first part of the river to Cubs.  We waved goodbye as Alex, Georgia, Kieran and William started swimming along to Cherokee closely followed by Mason, Robert and Sriram to Arapaho.  We look forward to seeing them all again at group and district…

Chief Scout Bronze Award

Three more Bronze Chief Scout Awards were presented to Beavers.  Congratulations to Alex, Mason and Robert.

Splish Splash!

Beavers had fun team games with water this week.  First they had to build their own ballista, and then got to fire water bombs at each other.  That was followed by pass the cup of water down the lodge and transfer the water with a sponge.  All great fun and they didn’t go home too…

End of Term Fun

Explorers have completed the term playing ten pin bowling and pool (with maybe a bit of cheating!)  Enjoy the summer and good luck to those awaiting exam results.


It was a perfect night to be out on our bikes, and we’re really proud of all the Beavers for doing their best when cycling to North Ferriby and back.  Big thank you to all the parents that joined us too, making sure that no-one ended up in the river!  


A great big well done to everyone that helped with litter picking at Hessle Feast.  We collected twenty three bags of rubbish between us, which was brilliant.  We also worked with the Coop promoting their membership scheme and the local community fund (which we are recipients of at the moment), as well as cooking s’mores…


Gilwell 24 is 24 hours of non-stop action!  Can Hessle Explorers manage to stay awake for 24 hours?  With numerous adventurous and exciting activities across the site to keep them entertained – from fairground rides to bands and a huge disco, to zip wire, water slides and bag jump… and everything in between!  Looks like they are having a fantastic time so far.

Cherokee Play Baseball

Cherokee Cubs had a fun evening playing baseball this week.  After learning a few basic skills, they split into teams and played in a mini tournament.  A big thank you to Hessle Rugby Club for allowing us to use their facilities, and Hull Scorpions Baseball Club for coaching the players and providing the equipment.

Beaver 30th Birthday Celebrations

Beavers from all over Humberside County joined together this weekend to celebrate 30 years of Beaver Scouts – a day full of activities at Driffield Showground with the added bonus of a sleepover.  The day all helped us to work towards our Creative Activity Badge and we enjoyed bouncy castles, learnt circus skills, made things…


We all managed to pass security and had a fantastic time at Spy Camp in Bail Wood.  The sun shone all weekend, we built dens, went on hikes, cracked codes, got to sit in a hovercraft, cooked on fires, had a water fight, sang around the campfire, used our imagination at Q’s base, completed the…

Welcome to Beavers

Four new Beavers were invested in Nut Wood, welcome to Charlotte, Jonah, Ruben and Seth.  We then went on a hike around the wood, identifying the different trees and learning all about what happens to them during the seasons of the year.

District Camp Craft Competition

Arapaho and Cherokee Cubs took part in the Blacktoft Beacon District Camp Craft Competition.   Eleven teams from all over the district competed using their skills in knot tying, map reading, fire lighting, orienteering, first aid, putting up tents, packing rucksacks and following trails.  Well done to the Arapaho B team finishing in third place…

JOTT 2017

Well done to everyone that took part in our annual Jamboree on the Trail / BBQ / AGM event.  Fantastic turn out from all the families in our group.  Please hand sponsor money in to any section leader.

Chief Scout’s Silver Award

Congratulations to Cherokee Cubs Sam and Jacob who were presented with their Chief Scout’s Silver Awards by our GSL Paul.

Bronze Chief Scout Awards

Five Hessle Beavers were delighted to receive their Bronze Chief Scout Award tonight from GSL Paul.  Well done to Elliott, Emma, Georgia, Kieran and William.

Cherokee Creativity

Cherokee Cubs demonstrated their creative flair whilst preparing Mother’s Day gifts at Saramique Studio.  Lots of colourful creations, that we can’t wait to see once Kenny the Kiln has worked his magic on them.

Cub Collectors

Several Cherokee Cubs have achieved their collectors badge.  Sam and Jacob brought in their football cards to show us, and Tom has started a Harry Potter wand collection.

Race Night

Lots of families had a great evening at our Race Night in February.  Fundraising can be lots of fun too! A special thanks also to all the race sponsors and supporters of the event. Autologic Hessle Ltd, BriggsAmasco. Co-op, Dorsoo, DRN Garden Services, El Chupitos. Fields of Anlaby, Goodfellow Butchers, Hessle Ex-Servicemen’s Club, Hodgson Rendering Specialist, John & Jane Mather, Kall Kwik, LGC Supplies, Napoleon’s Casino, R N Promotions, Roots

Badges at Home

Several of our Beavers have been working towards badges either at home, through sports clubs or at school.  We have had several show and tell evenings where we have seen swimming and gymnastic certificates and badges, reading challenges, karate kit, bouncy ball collections, drawings, heard about caring for different pets, seen football card and bottle…


During the first few months of this year Beavers have been working on The Scout Association’s #YouShape project – empowering young people to shape their Scouting experience at a local and national level. We took part in a couple of evenings looking at the types of activities Beavers have enjoyed the most, and noting down…

Saramique Pottery Painting

Beavers have been busy making gifts for Mother’s Day.  We think the concentration on their faces says how much they enjoyed it.  Big thanks to Sara at Saramique Studio and all the Dads that came along to help.  We can’t wait to see the finished creations.


As part of their Health & Fitness badge, Beavers cooked pancakes – but not in the usual way!  These were mini pancakes cooked on a tin can over a tea light.  Delicious results with some healthy fruit toppings too.

Cherokee Chefs

Cherokee Cubs have been working towards their Chef badge recently.  They have learnt about safety and hygiene in the kitchen, what makes a healthy diet, as well as researching and cooking a two course meal with some brilliant results – chicken meatballs and sticky toffee pudding, lamb skewers and pancakes, mini quiches and lemon mouse and…

Christmas with Billy Beaver

Billy Beaver spent Christmas with Tic Tac and Keeo and has had a fun time as you will see from the pictures.  He attended the Cub 100 Promise Party with Cherokee Cubs, he has been walking to plan the next Beaver Hike, he watched Georgia and two Arapaho Cubs in the Christmas Nativity at All…


Hessle Beavers had a fantastic evening at Rockcity, climbing in both the spaceship and castle rooms.  We have some excellent climbers who are clearly not afraid of heights!  We finished the evening saying goodbye to two of our Beavers, Mason and Tristan, as they swam up the river.  After Christmas they will become Arapaho Cubs….


As part of their World Challenge badge, Beavers have been collecting non perishable food for the Hull Foodbank.  This afternoon we took the opportunity to add our contribution to the monthly collection in All Saints Church.  


This afternoon we attended All Saints Church for the annual Children’s Society Christingle Service.  The young people played an active part in the service, assisting with the readings, singing and collecting all the candles that we had been filling with pennies.  They also learnt about and received their own Christingle to take home.  Beavers were…

Chief Scout Bronze Award

Two of Hessle Beavers recently received the highest award available in the section – The Chief Scout Bronze Award.  A great big well done to Mason and Tristan, who were presented with their awards by Paul our GSL.  To achieve this badge they had to complete all the six challenge badges, along with at least…


Our Beaver quiz team of Emma, Georgia, Kieran and William represented Blacktoft Beacon at the County Quiz this afternoon.  There were seven teams from all over Humberside competing in a very close competition.  Whilst the questions were marked Beavers played some parachute games, made rockets and sang some campfire songs.  After the counting of the…

Children in Need

Tonight Beavers took part in the #JumpForPudsey Challenge.  We had five different jumping challenges – with a skipping rope, with a beanbag between our knees, over a roll mat, whilst throwing a ball and in and out of a hoop.  Each challenge was done for 30 seconds, and we counted the number of jumps we…

Remembrance Sunday

We were very proud of the Beavers that took part in the Remembrance Sunday Parade and Service. They all wore the poppies that they had made the previous week with pride.  They will all also receive a poppy badge to sew on to their uniform.      

Winter Camp 2016

Arapaho and Cherokee Cubs join together each year for their Winter Camp.  This year the camp is at Blackhills Campsite, near Bradford.  Cubs have been making rocket kebabs and bonfire buns indoors as well as taking part in shooting and archery outdoors.  They explored the campsite, having a go on the assault course, as well…


As part of the World Challenge badge Beavers have to learn about activities that represent different parts of our country.  This week we learnt about Guy Fawkes and his gunpowder plot.  We then had fun with a sparkler, and also toasted some marshmallows to make smores.  We made our own Guy Fawkes, which the Cubs…

Quiz Winners!

Well done to the two teams of Hessle Beavers who entered the Blacktoft Beacon Quiz this afternoon, along with a team from Snaith Rawcliffe Bridge.  One team – Alex, Mason, Sam and Tristan – finished in joint second place with the boys from Snaith Rawcliffe Bridge.  Our other team – Emma, Georgia, Kieran and William…

Mad Scientists

During half term Hessle Beavers took part in a Mad Scientist Sleepover. We started the event by joining the Humber Bridge Country Park Rangers building hibernation dens, first of all small ones in pieces of drain pipe for insects, and then larger ones using logs and sticks in the woods for small animals. We then…


Thank you to everyone that supported our autumn fair today.  We raised a fantastic £523.05

Chief Scout Silver Award

The Chief Scout Silver Award is the highest badge that Cubs can earn, and tonight we presented two.  Jacinth and Josh were the deserving recipients having completed all their challenge badges along with a selection of activity and staged badges.  Well done to them both.  Jacinth was also presented with her moving on award, as…


We have just heard the total amount we raised from the Sport Relief Mile held earlier this year at Swanland Playing Fields, where we saw local people running one, three or six miles in aid of Sport Relief. The money has been counted up and Swanland raised a total of £1,360.65. This year’s Sport Relief…


As part of their World Challenge badge, Beavers have to meet someone who serves the community, and we were delighted to welcome Les to the scout den.  He told us all about his job as a paramedic, and then helped us to practice some of our bandaging skills.  We also invested Freddie as our newest…


As part of our Global Issues activity badge, Beavers made their own water filters from plastic bottles, along with some fabric, cotton wool, sand and pebbles.  They were very successful, turning the brown muddy water clean again.  

A Million Hands

This week Hessle Beavers have completed the final part of their ‘A Million Hands’ project / Community Impact badge with a visit to the The Weir Hotel Residential Care Home.  As part of this project we had a talk from Dementia Friends earlier this year.  We then collect wool, buttons and ribbons which a group…

Harvest Festival

Members of Hessle Scout Group took part in All Saints Church Harvest Festival service today.  As well as parading with their flags, they played an active part in the service reading the prayers, bible readings, and assisting with the collection.  The uniformed groups had also produced artwork with a harvest / autumn theme to display…


As part of their navigator badge, last week Beavers each drew their own maps of the route of our hike, and tonight they successfully followed them.  Along the way we also did a bit of geocaching, first of all finding one that someone else has hidden – well done to Elliott for finding it.  We…

Go-Karts and Grass Sledging

For our last night of the term we had some fun at Raywell on the go-karts and grass sledging. A great time was had by everyone in the sunshine – parents and Beavers! We finished the evening with Paul, our GSL, presenting Chief Scout Bronze Awards to James, Callum and James – well done to…

Outdoor Cooking

Beavers spent the evening cooking on the foreshore as part of the outdoor and adventure challenge badges.  For supper they made sausages and spaghetti followed by camp cones – some were a little bit toasty but still delicious.  In the lovely evening sunshine they also built sculptures using natural materials found along the foreshore.

Water Challenges

Beavers completed a series of water related challenges, firstly to see how far they could make their water travel, and then how steadily they could carry it whilst blindfolded and listening to instructions from their team.  The evening finished with a game of mop hockey followed by drip, drip, soak and a water fight.  Much…

A Wizard Weekend

All things Harry Potter was the theme of the 2016 Group Camp, and 107 members of Hessle Scout Group had a fantastic time at Primrose Hill Campsite, Brigg. The weekend began at Platform 9 3/4 on Friday evening with Hagrid welcoming everyone to camp, and then on to the sorting hat ceremony where we all…