Humber Rescue

Following our cycle challenge in the summer, Cherokee Cubs have been down to Humber Rescue to hand over the money we raised. They were also lucky enough to get on the boat for a look around.

Bring an Adult Camp

Cherokee Cubs had the opportunity to bring an adult to camp with them, and what a great time they had at Squirrel Wood. We swapped ipads and Xboxes for axes, saws and fires for the weekend. We went weaseling and axe throwing, as well as completing a bit of archery, we lit fires and cooked…

JOTT 2019

Well done to everyone that took part in our Jamboree on the Trail 2019 hike. Whether you walked the full 15 miles, the middle 8 miles or the shorter 4 miles, we completed it in a very good time, and had some delicious cakes along the way. We’ll let you know how much we raised…

Sea and Sandcastles

Explorers traveled closer to the sea for their last night of the term, and spent the evening digging holes, building sandcastles and eating fish and chips in Bridlington!


Beavers enjoyed their last meeting of the term with some teamwork games involving lots of water. There were many happy squeals and some soggy clothes, but lots of fun was had.

Humber Rescue

Cherokee Cubs were very proud to present volunteers at Humber Rescue with £155.02 from their Cycle the Humber Challenge. They, along with other members of Hessle Scout Group, are hoping to raise lots more at their next challenge at Hessle Feast.

North Cave Wetlands

Beavers learnt more about the natural world, as part of their World Challenge Badge, at North Cave Wetlands. We sat in the hides watching all the bird life on the lakes through binoculars, and then looked at different creatures found in the ponds in magnifying pots.

Hessle Foreshore

Perfect weather for an evening on Hessle Foreshore. As part of our Outdoor Challenge badge we built a fire, toasted marshmallows to make smores, and built some fantastic sculptures out of stones. Thanks to all the parents that helped us.

Group Camp 2019

Once a year we like to take all sections of Hessle Scout Group to camp, and as usual we’ve had a scorching hot, fantastic time. We had a circus theme for the weekend and learnt circus skills, made a circus ring, decorated t-shirts to wear whilst performing and had fun on an inflatable assault course…

Brake’s Kids Walk

Hessle Beavers took part in the Brake’s Kids Walk tonight. We walked around Hessle completing a mini monopoly run, whilst checking that there were safe places to cross the road and footpaths to walk on.

Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Beavers joined the Blacktoft Beacon District trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park. They met lots of endangered animals, which helped them work towards their Global Issues and Explore Activity Badges.

Welcome to Beavers

Four new Beavers have made their promise, and been invested into Hessle Beavers.

County Beaver Fun Day

Beavers had an action packed day completing their Air Activities Badge at Raywell Park. We made kites, boomerangs and helicopters, launched rockets, bounced on castles and watched an excellent show by the Earth Bound Misfits.

William’s Den

Cherokee Cubs had a fab time at William’s Den, playing both indoors and outdoors, making pizza for supper, building dens and best of all sleeping in the den!

Welcome to Cherokee

Cherokee have welcomed and invested lots of new Cubs this term, some who have just swam up the river from Beavers and others new to scouting. They were invested in the sunshine in some of our favourite places, Hessle Foreshore and Raywell Park.

Cycle The Humber

Well done to all the Cherokee Cubs and Leaders that took part in our ‘Cycle The Humber’ challenge today – and also their family members, Beavers, Apache and Navajo Scouts that joined us too. Together we cycled 181 miles (way over our 115 mile target), and raised £155.02 for Humber Rescue.

Chief Scout Bronze Award

Beavers completed their Creative Activity Badge by putting on a puppet show as a treat for Mother’s Day. Congratulations also to Beavers Ava, Ruben, Fraser, Jack who achieved their Bronze Chief Scout Award before swimming up the river to Cubs.


Congratulations to Cherokee Cubs Ben, Emma, Evie, Isaac and Kieran on achieving their Chief Scout Silver awards.


What a weekend of fun, sunshine and adventurous outdoor activities at Bramhope Scout Campsite.  We conquered the climbing wall, completed the orienteering trail around Chevin Forest Park, cooked breakfast on a fire, identified trees and creatures for our naturalist badge, swung through the trees on the low ropes trail, whizzed down the ski slope, chased…


As part of their World Faiths and World Challenge badges Cherokee Cubs had a very informative visit to Hull Mosque and Islamic Centre.  We gained an understanding of how our religions are very similar, why, when and in what direction they pray at the Mosque, and were able to observe the evening prayers.  We also…


Beavers have been working towards their Digital Maker badge, understanding what all the different parts of the computer are called, and how we use computers in everyday life.  To help us remember the parts we modeled them from salt dough.


Cherokee Cubs have been completing their Scientist badge.  They have made slime, created explosions, and made wormeries.  We hope the worms have survived!


As part of their Skills Challenge badge, Beavers have to go somewhere new.  Today we visited Wilberforce College to watch the Back to Ours / New Perspectives performance of The Giant Jam Sandwich.  We saw how one hot summer’s day, four million wasps invaded the quiet village of Itching Down.   We joined the villagers in…


Cherokee Cubs middle group worked as a team to produce a very tasty Chinese banquet.  This was part of their International Activity badge, and they chopped and prepared all the ingredients and made sure they were all cooked correctly.  The whole pack got to sample the food at the end of the evening.  Thank you…


Beavers had a great time tonight using a green screen to kick start their Photographer Badge.  We took some nice photos for another project later in the term but had time for some funny shots at the end of the night! #watchoutforthecow Beavers also got the chance to take photographs in lots of different ways; using…


Beavers had great fun in the bouldering rooms at Rock City for their Christmas party.  The excited shouts of ‘this is brilliant’ sum up an excellent evening.


As we approach the end of the term, it has been time to say goodbye to two of our Beavers, as they start their swim up the river to Cubs.  However, not before having the great pleasure of presenting them both with their Chief Scout Bronze Awards.  Well done!


What a weekend!  Hessle Beavers completed the Elf Challenge, doing all things Christmas.  We made Christmas stockings, tree decorations, gingerbread houses –  both large and small, we cooked Christmas dinner, decorated plates to leave goodies out for Santa, went sledging, made and iced Christmas cakes, watched the movie ‘Elf’ and then made sleighs from lego. …

Christingle 2018

Beavers and Cubs had a lovely afternoon at the Christingle Service at All Saints Church Hessle.


Thank you to everyone that has supported Hessle Scout Group through the Co-op Local Community Fund.  We were delighted to receive our cheque this morning, along with staff from Hessle Community Centre, and our local Co-op Supermarket and Funeral Care.  


As part of their Road Safety badge Cherokee Cubs took part in some activities with Mark from Safer Roads Humber.  They worked as a team deciding which were the safest modes of transport and talked about the importance of wearing seat belts when in a car, and a helmet when riding bikes or scooters.  Leaders…


Thanks to Hessle RUFC for making us welcome at their firework display.  The VIP area kept us all safe, and gave us a brilliant view of the magnificent firework display.

UK Parliament Week 2018

Cherokee Cubs took part in UK Parliament Week.  Through some games they gained an understanding of what it means to vote, and that women have not always had the right to vote.  They then split into their sixes to talk about different sustainable development goals, which the UK along with 193 other countries have committed…


It’s amazing how the contents of our recycling bins can keep everyone occupied for an hour!  Beavers were set the challenge of inventing something that could pick up a ping pong ball that was a metre away from them.  Lots of different ideas, with varying degrees of success, but lots of fun!


Leaders were very proud of all the young people that took part in the Hessle Remembrance Day Service and Parade – a fantastic turn out from Hessle Scout Group.  We also received lots of very nice comments about our plastic bottle poppy display in church.


Cherokee Cubs recently split into two groups and spent some time out and about – on a hike around Elloughton Dale and swimming.  These activities enabled the Cubs to achieve various levels of the Hikes and Swimmer staged badges.  

Welcome to Cherokee

Cherokee Cubs welcomed seven new members recently, as well as presenting our young leader, Nitin, with his Module A certificate and leader Emma with her 10 year service award.  Well done everyone.


Cherokee Cubs had a great day at the Humberside County Backwoods Cooking event.  We cooked hot dogs, omelette, cakes, pancakes and bread twists all on open fires, we lit fires without matches and learnt how to extinguish them, we practiced some first aid, made hot drinks, set the table and learnt about hygiene when cooking. …


Thank you to everyone that joined us for our Autumn Den Tidy today.  We have made an excellent start of clearing the  area around the den, and could not have done it without all the volunteers.  If you can spare some time to help us finish it, please let a leader know.

Welcome to Beavers

Six new Beavers were invested into Hessle Beavers.  During the evening we had been working towards our Disability Awareness Activity Badge, and had learnt our promise in sign language.  Whilst the new Beavers said their promise, the rest of the colony signed it.  Lots of badges were awarded to everyone, along with a Chief Scout’s…

Skidby Hike

Beavers enjoyed their Autumn Hike, across the fields to Skidby Windmill.  We had several stops along the way for everyone to find where we were on the map.  Alas, our geocache which we planted a couple of years ago was nowhere to be found.


Thank you to the Cherokee Cubs and leaders who were up bright and early this morning to present the medals at the end of the Hull Marathon Fun Run, helping in our local community.  Perhaps next year we could run too!


Well done to Freddie and Seth who swam up the final part of the Beaver river, and were then invested into Cherokee Cubs.  GSL Paul also presented Seth with his final Beaver badges, and his Chief Scout Bronze Award.


Thank you to everyone that supported us in the first round of the Co-op Community Fund.  During the summer holidays the floor in our main hall has been refurbished, and looks fantastic, alongside the carpeted back hall and foyer and new door mat.  We have also had some extra lines painted for the all important…

Messages of Remembrance

Well done to everyone that wrote wreath messages for our local British Legion branches to take out to Belgium.  Tonight Katrina joined us to present prizes to the winners – Phoenix Patrol from Apache Scouts and Jack from Arapaho Cubs.  Everyone was thanked for providing such moving messages of remembrance.  These will all hopefully be on…


Cherokee Cubs had a brilliant morning at Welton Waters completing their Nautical Skills badge.  They went on sailing boats and canoes, jumped in the water and played lots of team water games.  Thanks to all the staff at Welton Waters for sharing their expertise.


Congratulations to Freddie and Alfie who have been awarded their Chief Scout Bronze Award, having achieved all their Challenge badges, as well as an armful of activity and staged badges.  They have now both started their swim up the river to Cubs.


Congratulations to four Cherokee Cubs, Caitlin, Finley, Olivia and Phoebe on achieving their Chief Scout Silver Award.  Lots of hard work, fun and adventures went in to achieving all those badges.  Also congratulations to Isaac on achieving Cub of the Camp at Melton Bottom last weekend.  These awards were presented after the Cubs had completed…

Melton Bottom Challenge Camp

Hessle Beavers and Cherokee Cubs had a great weekend in the sunshine completing their Outdoor and Adventure Challenge badges.  They took part in activities which included archery, making and lighting a fire, crate stacking, making woggles, pitching and striking a tent, playing bingo, building a shelter, an incident hike, cooking on fires, making pot bags,…