Hessle Beavers made history this week in presenting eight Chief Scout Awards via Zoom! Charlotte, our GSL, joined us to make the presentations virtually, and big thanks to all the parents for their assistance. Congratulations to Luke, Archie, Jesse, Rowan, Joshua, Jessica, Amelie and Rosie on their achievements. We also presented lots of other badges…
Author: Beavers
Kindness in our Community
Hessle Scout Group are working with The Red Cross on their ‘Kindness in Every Community’ project. Although we can’t meet face to face, Cubs and Beavers have been painting rocks at home with pictures and words to make people smile on their daily walk. Keep a look out in the local area, and let us…
Looking to the Stars
Arapaho and Cherokee Cubs completed more of their Astronomer Badge via Zoom this week, learning how the earth moves around the sun. They also recreated constellations, including their astrological birth signs!
What do you do when you can’t all go outside and look at the stars together for the Space Badge – you make constellations out of iced gems and strawberry laces instead! Well done Beavers!
Lego Challenges
Cubs used their imaginations with Lego this week, completing many challenges over Zoom both with leaders and through the Blacktoft Beacon Bricktopia event. These activities helped them complete parts of both their Artist and Skills Challenge badges.
Zoom into Space!
Beavers held their first weekly meeting via Zoom and we worked towards our Space badge. We talked about the planets, the moon and astronaut Tim Peake, made our own picture of the solar system, recreated it from spherical shaped items found in our homes, and a toilet roll middle rocket!
Beavers 2020 Lockdown Sleepover
Beavers had a fun packed weekend at their Lockdown Sleepover. We had a scavenger hunt, learnt about maps and what to take on a hike, made bird feeders, toilet roll superheroes and our own crazy golf course, as well as the usual camp activities of cooking our own food, singing campfire songs and playing bingo.
Cherokee 2020 Lockdown Camp
Cherokee Cubs enjoyed a weekend of activities, all done from the safety of their own home during lockdown. The chose to sleep in either a tent in the garden or a den they built themselves, and during the day made an obstacle course, camp gadgets, lunch and tea, a bug hotel and completed a scavenger…
The Great Outdoors
Even though we can’t go very far, for very long, young people are still enjoying time outdoors. Well done to Beavers Aiden, Alfie and Joey, Cubs Henry and Jesse and Scouts Caitlin and Catriona. We particularly liked the VE day street campfire!
Learning in lots of different ways
Our young people are showing us that as well as doing school work, they are learning lots of new skills whilst at home. We hope they continue to practice them every week! Well done to Cubs Amber, Henry, Fraser, Caleb Owen, Isaac, Harrison and Beaver Aiden.
Camping at home
Lots of our young people are enjoying camping at home, either building dens in the house or in tents in the garden. Well done to Beavers Jessica, Joseph, Aiden, Isaac and Amelie and Cubs Caleb and Theo.
VE Day 75
Lots of brilliant pictures of both young people and leaders taking part in VE Day activities at home.
Hike to the Moon
Well done to everyone that took part in the Scout Association Hike to the Moon. So far over £310,000 has been raised, and the amount is still going up! Don’t forget to let us know or send your picture if you have taken part.
Home Helps
Cherokee Cubs have been completing lots more activities towards their Home Help and Skills Challenge badges. Excellent job Caleb, Joshua, Isaac, Bethany, Fraser. Don’t forget to keep practicing all these skills!
Wish we were camping….
We wish we were camping in this gorgeous weather! But it’s good to see our young people still outside exercising in lots of different ways. Well done to Apache Georgia, Arapaho Jessica, Cherokees Matilda, Charlie and Owen and Beavers Jessica and Jacob.
Creative activities are good for our health too, and many of our young people have been putting their imaginations to good use. Well done to Cherokees Owen and Dexter and Beavers Rosie, Aflie and Daniel.
Cubs have been both helping at home and practicing their cooking skills. Well done to Arapaho Amber, Cherokees Fraser, Charlie and Dexter and Beavers Jessica, Joseph and Jacob.
Camp at Home
We may not be able to go camping at the moment, but lots of our young people have found ways to make dens and camp at home. Well done to Beavers Luke and Summer, Cherokees Bradley, Jack, Fraser and Harrison, Arapaho Jessica and Navajo Ewan. If you’ve been camping at home, send us your pictures.
Beaver Cooks
Lots more cooking has been taking place in Beaver homes, and it looks delicious. Well done Rosie, Alfie, Aiden, Isaac, Daniel and Joseph. Keep on scouting, learning those important skills for life.
Cubs Skills Challenge
Well leaders certainly know who we can call on to make the hot drinks, do the washing up and cook meals when we next go on camp. Well done Harrison and Joshua.
Beaver Blog – Joshua
As part of their Personal Challenge badge, we have asked Beavers to write a blog for us. Here is a write up from Joshua on activities we undertook for our Experiment Activity Badge and Challenge X during British Science Week. Last Wednesday I took my tooth brush with me for an activity. The activity I…
Cub Skills Challenge
Cherokee Cubs have been making themselves useful at home and completing parts of their Skills Challenge Badge. Well done to Bradley and Harrison, making cups of tea, setting the table for a meal and peeling vegetables.
Beaver Cooks
For their Cook Activity Badge Beavers have to prepare and cook three dishes, both sweet and savoury. Well done to Joseph and Summer, their food looks delicious.
Beaver Outdoor Challenge
Part of the Beaver Outdoor Challenge badge requires Beavers to take part in an activity using natural things like leaves, bark, twigs, sand and rocks. Well done to Aiden, Alfie, Amelie, Jessica and Summer for making us smile with their pictures.
Beaver Blog – Luke
As part of their Personal Challenge badge, we have asked Beavers to write a blog for us. Here is a write up from Luke on our World Book Day sleepover at Anlaby Park Community Library. Last Friday, the beavers had a sleepover at the library. We found different books for different categories on our sheet…
Beaver Blog – Seb
As part of their Personal Challenge badge, our second Beaver Blog comes from Seb. Tonight we was earning our First Aid badge. Then we split into three groups. First we learnt how to do the recovery position. Next we learnt if you need an ambulance or not, what we would do, and how to support…
Beaver Blog – Archie
As part of their Personal Challenge badge, we have asked Beavers to write a blog for us. Here is a write up from Archie on the Big Sing. At the Big Sing I went to the church and then I went around Hessle and gave people a leaflet to go to the Big Sing. I…
Welcome to Hessle Beavers
Six new young people have been invested into Hessle Beavers, welcome to Alfie, Aiden, Arthur, Isaac, Libbie and Summer. We then had a fun evening undertaking some problem solving challenges.
Cub My Faith Badge
Arapaho Cubs have recently started work on their Faith Activity Badge. They have visited All Saints Church, where they were shown around by the Reader, Phillip. They also talked about faith in general, being baptised, the prayer board, the Vicars since 1520 and Mini Saints, a group for young people each Sunday morning. They also…
Panto Time
Arapaho and Cherokee Cubs enjoyed an evening of entertainment at the Saints and Sinners pantomime ‘Robin Hood’. Well done to some of our young people who took part on stage – Beavers Jessica and Nathanael, Cub Isla and Scouts Georgia and Savannah.
Challenge X Night Hike
Cherokee Cubs completed the second of their spring term challenges, completing a night ‘chip tasting’ hike of Hessle! Along our 2.5 mile hike we tasted chips from a traditional fish and chip shop, a chinese takeaway and a pizza place. Cubs voted their favourites were from the pizza shop, but big thanks must go to…
Minecraft Camp
Cherokee Cubs took part in a minecraft themed camp, lots of fun with lots of #skillsforlife too. We used saws, sandpaper and screwdrivers to make creeper bookends, we used sewing machines to make TNT and creeper cushions, an iron to make hama bead minecraft creations, and Raspberry Pi’s to play minecraft, as well as a…
All Saints Church
Hessle Beavers visited All Saints Church this week as part of their Faith Activity Badge. The completed a treasure hunt around the church, and then Revd Gemma read the story of The Good Samaritan, which Beavers all thought fitted really well with their Beaver promise. We then made reflection / prayer chains which are now…
Burns Night
To link with their World Challenge and International badges, as well as Challenge X, Cherokee Cubs celebrated Burns Night. They cooked and tasted Tatties, Neeps and Haggis, decorated shortbread petticoat tails to look like tartan kilts, tried Irn Bru and Tablet, made haggis. bagpipe and highland cow fridge magnets, read poetry, played highland games and…
Welcome to Arapaho
Hugo and Henry completed their swim up the Beaver river and into the Cub Den, and have now been invested into Arapaho Cubs.
Welcome to Cherokee
Bethany, Bradley, Charlie and Joseph completed their swim up the Beaver river and into the Cub Den, and have now been invested into Cherokee Cubs.
Tamarak Camp
Arapaho Cubs took their parents to camp during the Autumn term. Lots of challenges took place during the weekend, building and lighting fires without a match, parents putting up tents blindfolded following instructions from the Cubs, moving baked beans with straws and playing conkers. Lots of meals cooked on open fires added to the fun…
Bounce into Christmas
Beavers ended the term with a visit to Gravity. We also waved goodbye to six of our Beavers as they started their journey swimming up the river to Cubs.
Cherokee Cubs ended the term with a visit to Superbowl, where we competed in Jambowlree – the worldwide scout ten pin bowling competition, as well as having a game of quasar. A fun night for all. We also said farewell to five of our Cubs as they move onwards and upwards in their scouting journey.
Chief Scout’s Bronze Award
Congratulations to five of our Beavers – Bethany, Bradley, Charlie, Henry and Joseph – on achieving their Chief Scout’s Bronze Award. We hope you all have fun at Cubs.
Chief Scout’s Silver Award
Congratulations to Catriona on achieving her Chief Scout’s Silver Award. This award requires Cubs to attain all seven of the challenge badges, along with six activity or staged activity badges so lots of hard work has gone into this achievement.
Lovely to see all our young people taking part in the Christingle Service this afternoon. As our Scouting promises and laws say ‘to be kind and helpful’ and to ‘think of others before themselves’, we did both this afternoon, working alongside The Children’s Society.
County Beaver Quiz
Well done to our four Beavers who represented Hessle and Blacktoft Beacon in the County Quiz today. You did brilliantly, especially in the team games!
Apache Scouts have been undertaking a project to support soldiers of The Yorkshire Regiment, after hearing an appeal put out by Hull4Heroes. They encouraged all members of Hessle Scout Group to donate shoe boxes of gifts to send to the soldiers whilst they are stationed in Afghanistan this Christmas. The boxes include nice things like…
Skills for Life
As part of their Camp Craft Activity Badge, Beavers learnt how to sew a badge onto their camp blankets. Big thanks to all the parents who helped!
Gruffalo Adventure
2019 is the Gruffalo’s 20th birthday, and to celebrate Beavers have taken part in a Gruffalo Adventure. Outdoors we enjoyed the climbing wall and go karts, as well as making pictures of Gruffalo characters from natural items, and hunting for bugs. We made our own pizza and Gruffalo feet for lunch, Gruffalo crumble for tea,…
Jamboree on the Air and Jamboree on the Internet (JOTA JOTI) are real jamborees during which Scouting experiences are exchanged and ideas shared using radios, phones, chat room and skype. Beavers and Cherokee Cubs had a great day at the BBITS event working towards their digital citizen and communicator badges. We spoke with scouts from…
Welcome to Beavers
Two new members were invested into Hessle Beavers, welcome to Oscar and Seb.
Fire Fire!
Thank you to Red Watch and staff at Calvert Lane Fire Station for helping Cherokee Cubs work towards their Fire Safety activity badge.