Bugs and Natural Things

Tonight we invested our five new Beavers, welcome to Ben, Iris, Marlarae, Michael and Ryan. Then, as part of their Outdoor Challenge badge Beavers have been making pictures from natural things, firstly a mode of transport, and then an animal. They have also been bug hunting and identifying what they have found.

Loving the Outdoors

Cherokee Cubs are loving being outside, no matter what the weather. They have completed another three week rotation of activities, this time undertaking cycle maintenance and skills in the local supermarket car park, a local hike – making use of a map as part of their navigator badge, and holding a pack forum, a map…


As part of their Adventure Challenge Beavers have enjoyed collecting wood to build a small fire, which they then lit safely using matches, and toasted marshmallows to make smores. Thank you to everyone that saved their biscuit tins for us.

Somewhere under the rainbow!

We had lots of Beavers earning their very first Hikes badge tonight. We went for a walk around the fields near Hessle Mount Farm, with Beavers following the map as part of their Navigator badge. We got a bit wet again, but it was worth it to see the double rainbow.

Rain didn’t stop play!

We may have got a bit wet, but we still had fun! Beavers completed part of their Global Issues badge tonight, making a water filter using a plastic bottle, fabric, cotton wool, sand, stones and muddy water, with some excellent results. We also saw some great teamwork whilst playing chair hockey.

Cooking Challenge

Explorers completed a cooking challenge. Working with a variety of stoves that they might encounter on hikes or camps, some were challenged to soft boil an egg and others to hard boil one!

Chief Scout Awards

Congratulations to three of our young people on achieving their Chief Scout Awards. GSL Charlotte was delighted to present a Gold Award to Sam, achieved whilst he was with Apache Scouts, and Platinum Awards to Dan and Charlotte, achieved whilst they have been Explorers.

Fires, Gadgets and Bugs

Cherokee Cubs have spent their first few weeks back face to face meeting in smaller groups. They have each learnt how to light and extinguish a fire at Raywell for their Backwoods Cooking badge, build a camp gadget using the knots we learnt on zoom at the Scout Den for their Pioneer badge, and identify…

Den Building

Arapaho Cubs went to Bridgehead Woods to build some shelters surrounded by the bluebells. We were very impressed with all of the dens, especially as they designed them with no direction from the leaders. Well done Cubs, great teamwork!

Explorers Exploring

Explorers met up outdoors for the first time in over a year, for a socially distanced walk around Elloughton, followed by presentation of new name tapes for uniforms. Everyone enjoyed the fresh air and the chat.

Spring Gardening

Hessle Beavers and Leaders have loved being able to meet face to face in the sunshine. We have started to work towards our Gardener Activity Badge, planting sunflowers and starting a diary to see how they grow, making seed bombs, grass heads, and fat balls for the birds, as well as understanding what different garden…

Chief Scout’s Bronze Award

Congratulations to four Hessle Beavers – Eleanor, Isaac, Libbie and Oscar – who were tonight presented with their Chief Scout’s Bronze Award by our GSL Charlotte. This is the top award for Beavers.  It shows that they are adventurous, have helped the local community and learnt about the world.  It also means that they have…

Chief Scout’s Silver Award

Congratulations to four Cherokee Cubs – Jack, Leila, Elijah and Tilly – who were tonight presented with their Chief Scout’s Silver Award by our GSL Charlotte. This is the top award for Cub Scouts.  It shows that they are adventurous, have helped the local community and learnt about the world.  It also means that they…

Skills for Life

Arapaho Cubs have learnt and practiced some Life Skills, including ironing, putting on the washing, making hot drinks and cutting and peeling vegetables. By using these skills to help other people and do a good turn every day, they’ve been keeping their Promise and Law in mind, as well as completing parts of their Our…

Art for Everyone

Cherokee Cubs welcomed artist Steve to their meeting this week, for some fun and creativity. Using modelling clay, and following Steve’s excellent tuition, they made models of themselves, with some brilliant results.

Soda Bread

As Apache Scouts met on St Patrick’s Day this week, they made some Irish soda bread, as part of their Creative Challenge Badge. It both looks and tasted delicious.

Mothering Sunday

Thank you to all our Mums, who have helped us carry on scouting during the last year. In normal times we would have been on church parade this morning, bringing home a small posy of flowers for Mum. We hope all our Beaver Mums like their cards and gifts.


Arapaho Cubs met up with Trinity Cubs from Hull to use their imagination whilst building Lego structures, under the tutelage of fellow Scouter Mark the Lego Man from Bricktopia.

Hull Reform Synagogue

As part of their World Challenge and World Faiths badges, Cherokee Cubs paid a virtual visit to Hull Reform Synagogue. Aimi and Laura were brilliant, providing the Cubs with information sheets in advance and then guiding us around the synagogue, explaining about the different festivals they celebrate and showing us the many different items they…

Bird Boxes

Cherokee continued their bird theme for this term, by making nest boxes for small birds that appear in their garden. Baloo kindly cut the wood for everyone, but Cubs, with supervision from parents, built the box making use of screwdrivers, hammers, sandpaper and tape measures. Their challenge for the week is to paint or varnish…


Cherokee Cubs practiced their pancake making skills last week. We hope they are making them for the whole family today!

Batterman Saves the Day!

Several of our Beavers had little bits of their Challenge Badges to complete to achieve their Chief Scout Bronze Award, so with a bit of teamwork and a sleepover at home, Batterman and 16 Beaver friends have helped them along the way. We made rafts, decorated and rolled eggs, completed a scavenger hunt, made pancakes…

Welcome to Beavers

Three new Beavers have made their promise and been invested into Hessle Scout Group. Welcome to Daniel, Teddy and William.

Emergency Aid

Beavers practiced their first aid skills this week – cleaning a wound, applying a plaster and a bandage – and then putting someone into the recovery position. Thank you to all our willing patients!

Seeing Stars

Arapaho Cubs are working towards their Astronomer Activity Badge. They learnt about the solar system and constellations. Can anyone guess what this Cub’s star sign is?

RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch

In preparation for the Big Garden Birdwatch Cherokee Cubs had a bird themed evening. We played bird matching and naming games, we made bird feeders, danced to the birdie song and made origami pigeons! This weekend we will all be watching carefully in our gardens to see what birds appear. Why not join in too…

Lego Map Symbols

As part of their Navigator badge, Beavers have been learning map symbols, by making them out of lego bricks. We also looked at a map of Hessle and identified lots of local features, and worked out what we should take in our rucksacks when we can eventually all go on a hike together.

Air Activities

Arapaho Cubs have welcomed several new members to their pack this term. As well as getting to know each other by sharing their name using the phonetic alphabet, the have been making paper aeroplanes.

Home Helps

Cherokee Cubs completed the next part of their Home Help Activity Badge, cleaning and tidying the living room and ironing their neckers. Let’s hope they keep using these skills every day during lockdown!

Fire Breathing Dragons!

Beavers loved their talk and demonstration by Liz Million last night. She explained how to draw different types of animals, with differing facial expressions, and we all had a go too with some fantastic results.


As part of their Communicator Activity Badge Beavers made their own semaphore flags, and practiced spelling out compound words. They have also learnt their phone numbers, solved a simple code and sent the answer to TicTac via text message or Whatsapp.

Christmas Fun

For their last meeting of the term, Beavers made their own Christmas decorations – we painted salt dough shapes, made a snowman star, a bauble, and a special scout decoration to remember our virtual scouting in 2020.

Bronze Chief Scout Award

Congratulations to Joseph on achieving his Bronze Chief Scout Award, and commencing his swim up the river to Cubs.

Welcome to Beavers

Tonight we invested two new Beavers into our colony on zoom. Welcome to Oscar and Isaac (and thanks to mum for the assistance!)

Cherokee Christmas Activity Day

Cherokee Cubs had a fun day of all things Christmas. We made our own tree from sticks and string, and decorated it with pine cones and acorns, we made Christmas crackers, a 2020 memory decoration for our tree, we cooked our own Christmas dinner, with chocolate orange trifle for dessert, and decorated Christmas cakes. To…

Jingle Bells

Under the excellent guidance of our young leader, Hawkeye, Beavers created music tonight. We used pots, pans, wooden spoons and our hands along with any instruments we had in our own home. By the end of the session we were all experts at playing along to Jingle Bells. Well done to Joseph completing his Personal…

The Great Cherokee Bake Off

Cherokee Cubs rose to the challenge at their Bake Off Zoom meeting. In the space of an hour and a half we had baked and iced 336 buns between us – that must be a record, and we certainly couldn’t have done that in the den. Best of all, there was no mess for the…

Skills for Life

Cherokee Cubs have been learning some important skills for life recently – how to do the washing (a bonus in lockdown that they got to actually do it – we don’t have a washing machine in our scout den), how to be safe both as a cyclist and a pedestrian, and how to read a…


Cherokee Cubs planned for meeting face to face and completing some pottery painting. However lockdown prevented meeting but not the painting. Big thanks to our local pottery studio for delivering everything we needed to complete our Christmas mugs at home. We can’t wait to see everyone’s creations once they have been in Kenny the Kiln!

Leaf Art

As part of their world challenge badge, Beavers took part in some leaf art activities. After gathering leaves and sticks whilst out on their daily walk, first they made hedgehog pictures, and then lots of other animals from leaves. We then made stick men, which involved practicing to tie a reef knot whilst making their…

World Challenge

Beavers have been working towards their world challenge badge this term. For ‘take part in an activity from another country’ we learnt about the festival of Diwali. We made our own diyas from saltdough, and Beavers lit their own candle in them, as part of their skills challenge badge. We then made rangloi art using…

Creative Explosions

Beavers had fun making their own firework displays. Firstly we iced biscuits and then painted pictures, using our skill to roll a marble around the paper to create the display. Thanks also to parents for assisting in investing three of our Beavers via zoom. Well done Alistair, Edward and Frankie.

Cherokee on the move!

Cherokee Cubs have just completed a three week rotation of activities – a hike around the Humber Bridge Country Park, a cycle ride across the Humber Bridge and activities on zoom towards their book reader badge. It’s great to be back outside completing challenges together, even if we are in smaller groups.

Apple Crumble!

A couple weeks ago we had a talk from Yvette at Pickering Road Orchard, about how apple trees grow through each season. This week we saw some excellent cooking skills by our Beavers. Young people used vegetable peelers and knives, rubbed butter into flour, and produced some brilliant apple crumbles. We hope they all tasted…

Fun in the Orchard

For their first face to face meeting, half of our Beaver Colony met at Raywell Park to undertake a scavenger hunt and have some fun on the go-karts. It was great to be back together again, and we’re looking forward to seeing the other half of the colony next week.

Keeping Safe and Tidy

Cherokee Cubs met on Zoom this week and completed parts of the Fire Safety, Home Safety and Home Help badges. Cubs drew a floor plan of their house and then investigated where the smoke alarms and fire exits are, they looked at what dangers there are that could start a fire in each room, and…

Problem Solving

Cherokee and Arapaho Cubs completed a ‘Leaning Tower of Feetza’ problem solving activity alongside a game of battleships using the phonetic alphabet during their weekly Zoom meeting.

Zoom Investitures

Another first for Hessle Beavers took place this week, when we invested six of our new members during our Zoom meeting. Thanks to parents for their assistance with presenting the neckers, certificates and badges.

Chief Scout Silver Award

Congratulations to Cherokee Cubs Archie, Oliver and Seth on achieving their Chief Scout Silver Award. These were presented by Charlotte our GSL during our online Zoom meeting.