Pioneering Catapults

As part of their Camp Craft Activity badge, Beavers worked together as a team to put up a small tent,  as well as having some great fun pioneering and making catapults.

Hessle Open Gardens

At the end of May Hessle Scout Group leaders assisted the Hessle West Open Gardens by driving the minibus around the town, enabling people to visit all the gardens. Today Group Scout Leader Paul, and Arapaho Cub Connor, were delighted to receive a cheque for £500 on behalf of the group.  Our thanks go to the Open…

Mud, mud, glorious mud!

Tonight Beavers got a little muddy, but had a great time.  We were completing one of our Beaver 30th Birthday Challenges, to go on a 30 minute hike and try and find a geocache.  We found one with the assistance of Keeo’s phone and GPS near Little Waudby Farm.  We then combined our walk with…

Rand Farm Park

Billy Beaver and his friends have had a fantastic day out at Rand Farm Park.  We have fed the goats, sheep and cows, both with food from our hands and with bottles for the babies, learnt how chickens grow inside the egg, traversed the wall, watched cows being milked, been on a tractor ride, stroked…


Cherokee and Arapaho Cubs have had a brilliant weekend at Raywell taking part in the Humberside County Cub 100 camp. In total 500 Cubs took part in an action packed weekend full of activities and challenges, including Mop Hockey, Human Battleships, Giant outdoor games, Trampolines, Coconut shy, Bug Treasure Hunt, Backwoods cooking, Pedal Karts, Pioneering, Shooting, Beat…

Hessle Foreshore Beach Clean

In conjunction with the Marine Conservation Society and staff from The Deep, Beavers and parents took part in a beach clean on Hessle Foreshore.  Some of our best-loved marine wildlife is under threat from the waste and litter in our seas, with hundreds of species accidentally eating or becoming entangled in litter. It’s also dangerous…

2016 Jamboree on the Trail

Hessle Beavers took part in the 2016 Jamboree on the Trail today, along with all the other sections in Hessle Scout Group.  The Explorers, Apache and Navajo Scouts set off early this morning from the Humber Bridge, going southbound across the bridge and headed to South Ferriby.  There they met up with Arapaho and Cherokee…

Beaver Promise

Welcome to Alfie, Clementine, Gilby, Harry and Mason, our five newest members who have made their promise and been invested into the Colony!  

Cyclist Badge

Tonight Hessle Beavers completed their cyclist badge.  To start the evening we discussed why it’s important to wear safety equipment like a helmet, reflective clothing and lights, and everyone checked that they had their helmets on correctly.  They then undertook four cycling activities: testing skills cycling between cones; checking tyres were pumped up correctly and looking…

St George’s Day

Beavers had a fun day at the 2016 St George’s Activity Day and Parade at Beverley Race Course, along with lots of other Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and leaders from both Blacktoft Beacon and City of Hull districts.  In the morning they undertook many activities:  decorating the dragon ready for the parade, making windmills and…


We completed three challenges as part of the 30 years of Beavers celebrations tonight.  The first was tying knots on a piece of rope.  Each Beaver attempted to tie a reef knot, clove hitch and shoelace knot with varying degrees of success!  We have decorated the scout den with the results to see if our…


Tonight our three Beavers, Kian, Millie and Ryder, completed their swim up the river and renewed their promise as Cubs.  Welcome to Arapaho!  

Park in the Dark

For our last meeting before Easter, Hessle Beavers had a chip shop hike, followed by a visit to the park.  We walked from the scout den to the chip shop, and collected our supper to eat in the park.  Much fun was had shining torches from the top of the climbing frames.  We then presented…

Sport Relief Mile 2016

On Sunday 20 March Hessle Beavers took part in the Sport Relief Mile at Swanland Playing Fields.  We all made sure that we did some warm ups first, and then Olympic Gold medalist Luke Campbell started the race for us.  Beavers and Leaders all did some fantastic running, jogging and walking going three laps of…

Beaver Cooks

This week we completed the final parts of our cooks badge which involved preparing three different dishes.  For this we chose a pitta bread pizza with our favourite toppings, which we cooked on open fires, flapjack and fruit smoothies.  We had a fun time chopping all the fruit and vegetables, and even got to learn a…

Challenges Galore!

As part of their Teamwork Challenge Award the oldest and youngest Cubs were set some team challenges.  Firstly they took part in the bleep test, encouraging their team and each other to keep running.  Next they played minesweeper, with the older Cubs using their team leading skills to direct the younger ones through the minefield….

National Railway Museum

Hessle Beavers had a fun day at the National Railway Museum, looking around all the trains, which helped them achieve their Explore Activity Badge.  Favourite bits of the day were a ride in the Mallard simulator, recreating Mallard’s record breaking run at 126mph, the Punch and Judy show, an outdoor ride on the miniature railway and…


Beavers had fun making and eating pancakes tonight, with lots of gooey filling combinations.  We also played some team games with the parachute, and had a pancake flipping race!  

Ping Pong Challenge

This term Hessle Beavers are working towards their Skills and Teamwork Challenge badges. Tonight we challenged them to invent something that could transport a ping pong ball approximately one metre.  They could use Lego, K’nex or try their hand at some junk modelling, and we had some fantastic results.  

Beaver Skills Challenge

One of the criteria for our Beaver Skills Challenge badge is to find out about looking after our teeth.  We were delighted to welcome two visitors, Chris and Rachel from local dental practice Mydentist.  They explained to the Beavers how to clean their teeth correctly and talked about foods that are good and bad for…

Beavers 30th Birthday Postcard Swap

Hessle Beavers are taking part in the Beavers 30th Birthday Postcard swap.  Last term as part of our Digital Citizen Badge we made postcards, and this week we went on a short hike to post them.  We hope to get lots in return and are making a map of them to see where all the…

Beaver Christmas

We had fun at our Beavers Christmas party.  Lots of games, musical bumps, musical statues and our favourite of the night – build a snowman! We also invested three of our new Beavers – Robert, Elliott and George, as well as saying goodbye to two others – Finley who is moving up to Cherokee Cubs…


During November Beavers completed their Faith Activity Badge.  This included a visit to All Saints Church in Hessle where Revd Barbara told the Beavers a story about doing their best and helping other people.  They then completed a treasure hunt around church and each lodge wrote a prayer which they read out to everyone. The…

Busy Beavers

Hessle Beavers have been busy the past few weeks on three separate projects.  The first is making some autumn leaf bowls from clay, and we look forward to seeing them all painted and varnished.  The second as part of their Campcraft badge, they have started their own camp blanket, which we hope they will continue…

Beaver Promise

Tonight our five newest Beavers – Charlie, Georgia, James, Kieran and William made their promise. Welcome to Hessle Beavers!

Tesco Farm to Fork

Hessle Beavers have visited Tesco to complete their ‘Farm to Fork’ badge.  As part of this we had a look along the cheese counter to find our favourite cheeses, looked at the fruit and veg to find out all the different countries that it comes from, went inside the freezer to see how cold it…

Beavers at Group Camp 2015

Sixteen Beavers have had a fantastic weekend as part of Hessle Scout Group 2015 Group Camp. We spent the weekend at Bradley Wood Campsite near Brighouse.  This year the camp was organised by the Scout section with a police theme.  We had lots of adventures, building police cars, undertaking challenges, cooking on fires, building bridges,…

Hessle Open Gardens

On Sunday 19th July, June and Wendy gratefully received a cheque for £400 from the Hessle West Open Gardens team.   The team have supported Hessle Scout Group for the last two years which has assisted us in building our outdoor activity area and replacing the shutters on the den.  This year the money will…

Beaver Adventures at Melton Bottom

Beavers spent their last meeting of the summer term at Melton Bottom camp site, completing some activities towards their Adventure Challenge Award.  Everyone there had a go at crate stacking – testing their balance up in the air, and slacklining – balancing on webbing whilst walking both forwards and backwards.  Beavers also completed a blindfold…

Cherokee Summer Hike

For the last meeting of the summer term Cherokee hiked from Brantingham to South Cave – a short walk with lots of steep hills.  At the highest point of the walk overlooking some fantastic view of the Humber, our newest member, Grace, was invested.  At the end of the evening Cubs were presented with challenge…

Day trip to Sewerby

Hessle Beavers have had a fantastic day out at Sewerby and Bridlington.  We traveled by train from Hull to Bridlington (with many thanks to Northern Rail for their assistance), and then walked from the railway station to the land train on the sea front, where we climbed aboard for a trip up to Sewerby Hall…

Global Issues

Tonight we worked on our Global Issues Activity Badge, creating our own zoo of animals which are endangered.  Lucas also demonstrated his new skill to us – playing the recorder.

Cherokee Summer Camp

Cherokee Cubs had a great time at their summer camp at Walesby Forest. On Saturday morning after cooking pancakes on an open fire for breakfast, they did crate stacking and a cave maze.  In the afternoon they had fun on the water, including canadian canoes and water fights.  Everyone was soaked, including the leaders.  Tea…

2015 Camp Craft Winners

Well done to Jed and Connor, who teamed up with Harry from Gilberdyke to win the Blacktoft Beacon 2015 Cub Camp Craft Competition.  The day included various challenges for them to complete including making fire without a match (where Connor had the best fire of the day), pitching a tent, map signs, First Aid, egg parachutes, code…

County Beaver Fun Day

Hessle Beavers have had a fantastic day, taking part in the County Beaver Fun Day at Raywell.  The event had an international theme, with each district being allocated a different country.  As Blacktoft Beacon we were part of Japan, and a big thanks to Kirkella and Unit 50 of the 23rd World Scout Jamboree who brought…

Humber Rescue

As part of their World Challenge badge Hessle Beavers have to meet someone who serves in the local community – and who better than the fantastic guys at Humber Rescue.  Beavers got to try on some of the equipment, find out how they use their radios, and best of all sit on the lifeboat.

Fluffy Chicks!

Thank you to James and his mum for bringing in some 5 day old baby chicks to see us!

Jamboree on the Trail 2015

Well done to everyone who took part in the Hessle Scout Group Sponsored walk as part of the worldwide Jamboree on the Trail 2015. Sponsorship money is still being collected, and once we have a final total details will be published. Thank you to the Explorers and leaders for organising us all, and making sure…

Beavers Hike along the Humber

Hessle Beavers undertook a practice hike this week, in preparation for the Hessle Scout Group sponsored walk on 9 May.  It was a lovely evening to be down by the river, and the Beavers walked at a fantastic pace whilst throwing lots of stones into the water.

Chocolate Cake!

Tonight we continued with activities for our Creative Challenge badge, experimenting with water, kitchen roll and felt tip pens to see how chromatography works, understanding how magnets work, and our messy bit was making cakes in mugs.  We hope they all tasted as good as they looked.


Hessle Beavers had a fantastic day out at Eureka! to celebrate their first birthday, and are all now qualified Grossologists!

Billy Beaver’s Summer Adventures

Billy Beaver has had some fantastic adventures during the summer holidays.  He has been to two International Scout and Guide Camps.  For the first two weeks he was at WINGS 2014, in Windsor Great Park, helping out with the IT systems and archery.  He was so good with the IT that he was then invited…

Billy Beaver on Holiday

Tic Tac has received a message from Billy Beaver to say that he has gone on holiday for a couple of weeks.  Let’s hope he has fun and posts us a few pictures so that we can see what he is up to……

The Indians are coming……..

The Kwahadi Dancers are a magical combination of Scouting, Indian Lore, and showbiz.   The group from Amarillo, Texas are touring the UK and Europe and they will be performing in Hessle Town Hall on Sunday 10 August 2014 at 7.00pm – 9.30pm.  Everyone is welcome to join us.  Family tickets £12 (2 adults + 2 children),…

Bug Hotel!

On 24/05/2014 we started to build a Bug Hotel!   The Beavers brought along lots of materials from home, and also collected natural objects from around the scout den.  With a little assistance several creatures have already moved in! This activity is part of our Environment Partnership Award.

Green Cross Code

Beavers have started working on their next badges for the summer term, Outdoor Challenge, Safety Activity and Adventure Activity Badges. Tonight we learnt about the Green Cross Code, and then went out and about to learn how to cross the roads in Hessle safely using a zebra crossing and a pelican crossing. Our two young leaders…

Beaver Leaders Invested

On 30 April 2014 Malak and Tic Tac were invested as Beaver Leaders.  They received a very loud B R A V O from all the Beavers.

Health and Fitness

As part of the Health and Fitness Activity Badge, the Beavers have to learn about personal hygiene.  This week we welcomed three visitors to our meeting.  Chris, a Dentist and Rachael, a Dental Nurse, who spoke out keeping our teeth clean, and Emma a Nurse helped us learn about hand washing.

Egg Drop Challenge

On Wednesday 26 February the Beavers were set a challenge.  They had to undertake various activities to earn points to buy items to make a parachute for an egg.  We then dropped the egg from height to see if it survived.  As you can see by their faces, there was much excitement and anticipation!

Beaver Show and Tell

During this term, as part of their Health and Fitness Badge, Beavers are telling us about the different sports and activities they take part in.  We have had talks on swimming, judo, tennis, football, dancing, athletics and kayaking so far.